1. Make an emergency fund Before you start researching investment strategies, the most important thing to do is create a savings account. Also, keep some cash in the account. It is important to have this money in case of emergency. 2. You should establish a routine to save for retirement. You probably don't want to work forever. If you don't have a retirement plan, you might do yourself a favor by setting one up. 3. Major purchases should be planned separately Each goal has a different time frame and money requirements, so it is helpful to create separate plans. 4. Be aware of fees It is better to begin your investing strategies today than to wait. 5. Invest in quality insurance for your Life A good policy can pay off your mortgage and leave assets for your survivors. This is why you should make sure that you are covered. You are in your thirties when you should start thinking seriously about your financial future. Although many people may still be told that you are young, you know that this is not always the case.